story about mount Kelud”
Mount Kelud is one of the mount volcano in Indonesia. Do
you know where is located? It is located in Kediri, East Java. What we can see
in there? The beautiful scenery and the mount kelud is still nature and purely
although we know it’s still eruption and active. We can visit there at special
date in java, every 23 ‘suro’ the local people held a tradition such as ‘arung
sesaji’ as a symbols of ‘condro sengkolo’. What does it means? It means that
people believe to held this ritual to rejected all of the disaster because
Lembu suro promised when Dewi Kilisuci betrayed him. Who is Lembu suro and Dewi
Kilisuci? What are Lembu suro’s promise? And how it can be betrayel love?
Follow our story here. Check it out!
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